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www.anarchismus.atAnarchistische BibliothekFreie ArbeiterInnen Union - FAUForum deutschsprachiger AnarchistInnenGraswurzelrevolution

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Free Society. A German exile...
A German Exile in Revolutionary Spain Werner Droescher was an exile from Nazi Germany who in 1936 found himself pitched into the dramatic social reconstruction of the Spanish Revolution. Droescher, with his companion Greville Teixidor, joined the revolutionary militias on the Aragon front. Later they carried out solidarity work for the Spanish anarchists from London, before ...

Autor*innen: Werner Droescher

4,00 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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Remembering Spain. Italian Anarchist Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War
Italian Anarchist Volunteers In The Spanish Civil War A personal account from a militant who served on the Aragon front. It also covers the events of May 1937 in Barcelona and the Communists' murder of Camillo Berneri. Pamphlet, 25 Pages

Autor*innen: Umberto Marzocchi

4,00 EUR
inkl. 10 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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