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Bloc by Bloc: Uprising

Bloc by Bloc: Uprising
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    Bloc by Bloc is a cooperative and semi-cooperative strategy game inspired by contemporary protest movements, riots, and popular uprisings. Each player controls a faction of revolutionaries - Workers, Students, Neighbors, or Prisoners - struggling together against the police in the streets of a city that changes with each game. Build barricades, clash with police, occupy districts, loot shopping centers, build mutual aid networks, and liberate the city before time runs out and the military arrives!

    Full gameplay description: In Bloc by Bloc: Uprising, each player controls a faction of revolutionaries -Workers, Students, Neighbors, or Prisoners - fighting against the police in the streets of a city that changes with each game. Build barricades, clash with police, occupy districts, loot shopping centers, build mutual aid networks, and liberate the city before time runs out and the military arrives!

    Object of the Game: When playing fully cooperatively, all factions win or lose together and must cooperate to defeat the police and liberate the city. To liberate the city, each faction must complete the objectives on 1 Conditions card. Each Conditions card specifies certain districts of the city that must be liberated and where occupations must be built. When playing semi-cooperatively, each faction has a secret Agenda card that determines how it wins the game. Factions with Social Agendas can still win together cooperatively. But a faction with a Vanguardist or Sectarian Agenda can only win alone and must work covertly to undermine the other factions.

    Bloc by Bloc is played in rounds and each round is 1 night. The countdown marker starts with 10 nights remaining. Each night has 2 phases, Nighttime and Sunrise.

    Nighttime: The Nighttime phase is when each faction takes its turn. At the start of a turn, cards are drawn from the Police Ops deck that move and deploy police squads across the city. Higher Police Morale means more cards. Next, the faction rolls action dice and spends those dice to take various actions around the city using their blocs. Each bloc represents an organized group of 5-15 people.

    Sunrise: After each faction has taken its turn, the Reaction card orders police to attack and police vans to move around the city. Next, factions may liberate districts and draw Liberation cards if enough blocs are gathered in those districts. There might also be a meeting to draw more Conditions cards. And don’t forget to check if the game has been won! If not, move the countdown forward at the speed of Police Morale, start the next night, and continue playing. If time runs out or any 1 faction has no blocs in the city, all factions lose.

    Info on the new edition: The 1st edition of Bloc by Bloc was released in 2016 and the 2nd edition was released in 2018, both to critical acclaim. Both printings sold out quickly and the game has continued to attract an ever growing community of fans and players. Every mechanic has been fine tuned and tweaked, if not completely overhauled in this thoroughly revised and expanded 3rd edition. Bloc by Bloc: Uprising is a synthesis of the best elements from each of the previous two editions. It also introduces some crucial new mechanics and components such as mutual aid centers, smarter and more dangerous police, a streamlined action system that allows for deeper strategy, a narrative choice-driven Liberation deck, variable win conditions related to building and defending liberated zones, and last but not least, Meetings!

    Ages: 14+, Players: 1-4, Time: 1-2+ Hours

    Dritte überarbeitete Edition vom November 2022!

    Preis in der Anarchistischen Buchhandlung Wien liegt bei 62.- Euro, leider sind die Portokosten nach Deutschland oder in die Schweiz scheißhoch und hier beim Shop eingepreist! Also wenn möglich direkt hier abholen...

    Bloc by Bloc: Uprising
    Bloc by Bloc: Uprising
    Bloc by Bloc: Uprising
    Bloc by Bloc: Uprising
    Bloc by Bloc: Uprising
    Bloc by Bloc: Uprising

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