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English books

Englischsprachige Bücher von AK Press, Crimethinc und anderen...

Zeige 49 bis 60 (von insgesamt 176 Artikeln)
Fighting for spaces, Fighting for our lives: Squatting Movements today
Dieses englischsprachige Buch bietet kurze Einblicke in eine vielfältige und facettenreiche Bewegung mit Berichten von lokalen Kämpfen, Erfahrungen mit (staatlicher) Repression und Geschichten eines kollektiven Lebens, erwachsen aus den besetzten Orten verschiedener Städte und Länder weltweit, inklusive Australien und den USA. Herausgeber*innen: Sqek (squatting ...

Autor*innen: Squatting Everywhere Kollective (SqeK) (Hg.)

14,40 EUR
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Film and the Anarchist Imagination
Bearded bomb-throwers, self-indulgent nihilists, dangerous subversives - these characteristic clichés of anarchists in the popular imagination are often reproduced in the cinema. In Film and the Anarchist Imagination, the first comprehensive survey of anarchism in film, Richard Porton deconstructs such stereotypes while offering an authoritative account of films featuring ...

Autor*innen: Richard Porton

25,50 EUR
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Five Years in the Warsaw Ghetto
...here is a true story of mind-boggling feats of courage and hairbreadth escapes, of battling overwhelming evil against insurmountable odds. Here is a chance to rediscover the meaning of probably the most debased and emptied-out words in the English language: heroism. The story of the Warsaw ghetto is one of the most heartbreaking and tragic in all of recorded history. Bernard ...

Autor*innen: Bernard Goldstein

19,00 EUR
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For Worker`s Power
Reading the ideas of Maurice Brinton for the first time proves discomforting to most - and downright insufferable to many. The most prolific contributor to the British Solidarity Group (1961-1992), he sought to inspire a mass movement based on libertarian socialist politics. Attempting to blow away the bad air of the "Old" and "New" Left alike, Brinton used the past as a guide - but ...

Autor*innen: Maurice Brinton

22,00 EUR
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Fortunes of Feminism. From State-Managed Capitalism to Neoliberal Crisis
Fortunes of Feminism: From State-Managed Capitalism to Neoliberal Crisis Nancy Fraser’s major new book traces the feminist movement’s evolution since the 1970s and anticipates a new - radical and egalitarian - phase of feminist thought and action. During the ferment of the New Left, “Second Wave” feminism emerged as a struggle for women’s liberation ...

Autor*innen: Nancy Fraser

14,50 EUR
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Frames of War. When Is Life Grievable?
In this urgent response to violence, racism and increasingly aggressive methods of coercion, Judith Butler explores the media’s portrayal of armed conflict, a process integral to how the West prosecutes its wars. In doing so, she calls for a reconceptualization of the left, one united in opposition and resistance to the illegitimate and arbitrary effects of interventionist ...

Autor*innen: Judith Butler

13,00 EUR
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Frankenstein, or the 8-bit Prometheus
Supported of IPDJ, Oh Cristo webradio, Rokko's Adventure, Tasca Mastai and  Distroed. After having whistled quite a number of 8-bit versions of famous pop songs, and delighted his ears with chip-tune covers of black metal and classical music, Riccardo Balli thought it was about time to extend micro-music aesthetics to literature, and remix Mary Shelley's classic accordingly. ...

Autor*innen: Riccardo Balli

10,00 EUR
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Free Society. A German exile...
A German Exile in Revolutionary Spain Werner Droescher was an exile from Nazi Germany who in 1936 found himself pitched into the dramatic social reconstruction of the Spanish Revolution. Droescher, with his companion Greville Teixidor, joined the revolutionary militias on the Aragon front. Later they carried out solidarity work for the Spanish anarchists from London, before ...

Autor*innen: Werner Droescher

4,00 EUR
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Free Them All: A Feminist Call to Abolish the Prison System
How does the criminal justice system affect women's lives? Do prisons keep women safe? Should feminists rely on policing and the law to achieve women's liberation? The mainstream feminist movement has proposed "locking up the bad men," and called on prisons, the legal system, and the state to protect women from misogynist violence. This carceral approach to feminism, ...

Autor*innen: Gwenola Ricordeau

13,50 EUR
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Fully Automated Luxury Communism. A Manifesto
In the twenty-first century, new technologies should liberate us from work. Automation, rather than undermining an economy built on full employment, is instead the path to a world of liberty, luxury and happiness - for everyone. Technological advance will reduce the value of commodities - food, healthcare and housing - towards zero. Improvements in renewable energies will make fossil ...

Autor*innen: Aaron Bastani

14,50 EUR
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God and the State
This pocket book starts with the essay "A Great Thinker or A Man of action: How Did Bakunin Shape Anarchism in the 19th Century?" by Vyvian Raoul and is followed by Bakunin’s best known work, the unfinished "God and the State." Book, 128 pages

Autor*innen: Mikhail Bakunin

5,00 EUR
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Historical Capitalism
Historical Capitalism with Capitalist Civilization In this short, highly readable book, the master of world-systems theory provides a succinct anatomy of capitalism over the past five hundred years. Considering the way capitalism has changed and evolved over the centuries, and what has remained constant, he outlines its chief characteristics. In particular, he looks at the ...

Autor*innen: Immanuel Wallerstein

16,50 EUR
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Zeige 49 bis 60 (von insgesamt 176 Artikeln)